A Rugged Universe of Possibilities
The Iron Range’s topography can instantly become an alien planet outpost during the summers, glimmering with its dusty, hard-edged redness, or an arctic expanse with icy cliffs and rolling emptiness during the long winter shooting season with icy cliffs and rolling emptiness. One-of-a-kind black spruce bogs add depth and character to the area’s wooded beauty.

Mining & Industry
The versatile beauty of Iron Range locations include access to conifer forests on the periphery as well as open spaces reminiscent of middle America from a time gone by. With a rich history in mining and timber, the Iron Range allows for splendid vistas and numerous backdrops for filming while also providing entertainment and lodging for cast and crew while on location. There are topographical treasures to explore and embrace for production — abandoned mines, heavy machinery and the relics of the area’s industrial commercial history — providing a landscape and canvas that add depth for production value.
Historic Culture
The Range is rich with its own culture. Virginia’s former opera house is today’s Lyric Center for the Performing Arts, giving the city an edge for providing local color and extra casting opportunities while entertaining visitors. The neighborhoods of the city and its downtown have a small-town feel with charming architecture and unique flourishes.
Nostalgic Scenery
Grand Rapids, the home of America’s sweetheart, Judy Garland, is full of early 20th-century charm, including Old Central High School. Small-town nostalgia abounds.
Small-town Charm
From Hibbing and Chisholm to Eveleth, Ely and Virginia, this region features amazing destinations and is considered ‘hockey country.’ And rightfully so. Eveleth is home to the Hockey Hall of Fame and the World’s Largest Hockey Stick. Throughout the region, you’ll find pop-up surprises around nearly every corner — charming diners, local color and unique opportunities for storytelling.
Trails & Nature
The Mesabi Trail runs through Gilbert and past the clear waters of Lake Ore-be-gone. In addition to providing untouched locales for production, the area provides great local dining and entertainment.
Endless Opportunities
From the dramatic ridges of iron-rich, big-sky land to forests brimming with stunning fall colors, wildlife and, of course, access to the never-ending possibilities and beauty of Lake Superior, Minnesota’s Iron Range is a rich amalgam of plot lines, stories and characters waiting to be discovered, developed, and enjoyed by audiences. The Range Regional Airport provides an accessible and convenient point of arrival and departure directly for casts and crews.
Sources: City of Duluth, City of Superior, Minnesota Iron Range Tourism Bureau, Visitor Guide to Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior